ocr: Violator Depeche mode V:0/0] D:4/9] 5123526345684981065601 BUSY GE - * ED LE ?) DE 30 J 0 1 World in My Eyes 4/M8/M41 * 4m 228 33 - 20052 2 oweetest Perfed 20053 - 41344 3 Personal Jesus Spiele Titel kurz an 41345 - 63544 4 Halo 63545 - 83807 5 Waiting For The 83808 - 111359 6 - Enjoy The Siler 6/9 6 Enjoy The Silence 111360 - 139319 7 - Policy Of Truth 139320 - 161467 8 Blue Dress Abbrechen 161468 - 186949 9 - Clean 186950 - 211812